Circadian Rhythms

16 08, 2022

The ‘Mind after Midnight’: People more likely to make bad decisions late at night

2023-01-17T19:54:33+00:00August 16, 2022|Circadian Rhythms, Depression, Mental Health, Poor Sleep, Suicide|

The “Mind after Midnight” hypothesis suggests that late-night wakefulness affects the brain, leading to changes that can make you more likely to view the world negatively, engage in harmful behaviors, and make impulsive decisions. We sat down with one of the study’s authors, Andrew [...]

1 04, 2020

Sleep tips during isolation: Supporting the body clock

2023-01-19T17:47:44+00:00April 1, 2020|Circadian Rhythms, Stress|

This information is intended for people who have to stay indoors for an extended period of time. If you are sleep deprived because of lack of opportunity to sleep (e.g., frontline health professionals, support workers, caregivers), please prioritize sleep and rest as much as [...]

30 10, 2013

Fall time change and how to adjust your sleep for the winter

2021-04-29T18:37:14+00:00October 30, 2013|Circadian Rhythms, Daylight Saving Time, Poor Sleep|

Most of the United States will “fall back” to standard time on Sunday, November 3, at 2 a.m. Most people associate the fall time change with an extra hour of sleep followed by shorter days with earlier sunsets. Sleep physicians see the end of [...]

1 04, 2013

Internal clocks can be ticking time bombs for diabetes, obesity

2022-08-26T18:38:55+00:00April 1, 2013|Circadian Rhythms, Sleep Disorders|

If you're pulling and all-nighter to finish a term paper, a new parent up all night with a fussy baby, or simply can't sleep like you once could, then you may be snoozing on good health. That's because new research published in The Federation [...]

7 03, 2013

Adjust sleep schedule to minimize effect of daylight saving time

2022-08-26T18:47:51+00:00March 7, 2013|Circadian Rhythms, Daylight Saving Time, Healthy Sleep Habits|

This weekend marks the return of daylight saving time (DST) for most of the United States. To help ensure a smooth transition to the new time, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) recommends that you begin to adjust your sleep schedule a few [...]

25 02, 2013

Circadian clock linked to obesity, diabetes and heart attacks

2022-08-31T20:07:57+00:00February 25, 2013|Circadian Rhythms, Diabetes, Diet, Heart Disease|

Disruption in the body's circadian rhythm can lead not only to obesity, but can also increase the risk of diabetes and heart disease. This is the first study to definitely show that insulin activity is controlled by the body's circadian biological clock. The study, [...]

8 02, 2013

Body clock can be modified to possibly treat sleep disorders

2022-08-31T20:16:18+00:00February 8, 2013|Circadian Rhythms, Sleep Disorders, Treatment & Therapy|

The cellular mechanism by which circadian rhythms – also known as the body clock – modify energy metabolism and the novel compounds that control this action have been identified by researchers at the University of California Irvine. The findings point to potential treatments for [...]

19 11, 2012

Gene helps predict time of death

2022-09-15T16:01:34+00:00November 19, 2012|Circadian Rhythms, Poor Sleep|

Researchers have identified the gene that helps determine the time of day a person is most likely to die. Researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) say this gene can also determine if you’re an early bird or night owl. This information could [...]

13 11, 2012

Winter, sleep and your circadian rhythms

2022-09-15T16:03:19+00:00November 13, 2012|Circadian Rhythms, Healthy Sleep Habits|

Unlike animals, humans do not need to hibernate during the winter. It may feel like you need more sleep during the winter months because the days get shorter. However, your actual sleep need does not increase. It is normal for sleep habits and activity [...]

5 11, 2012

Why sleep is difficult on the night shift

2022-07-15T18:59:22+00:00November 5, 2012|Circadian Rhythms, Shift Work, Work|

Although many people still work a traditional 9-to-5 workday, there are millions of Americans that work the evening shift, night shift, rotating shift, or other employer arranged irregular schedules, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Shift work can have an affect on your [...]

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