Poor Sleep

15 11, 2022

Night owls may smoke and drink more

2023-01-17T19:47:40+00:00November 15, 2022|Poor Sleep, Wellness|

Are night owls more likely to have addictive behaviors? Researchers surveyed more than 12,000 French adults. They found that the evening chronotype was significantly associated with the consumption of tobacco, alcohol, and cannabis. A person’s chronotype refers to their natural inclination to wake or [...]

4 10, 2022

Understanding the relationship between bruxism and stress

2023-01-18T17:02:17+00:00October 4, 2022|Poor Sleep, Sleep Disorders, Wellness|

Teeth grinding has long been seen as a sign of stress, though the actual causality between stress and bruxism is something that’s rarely talked about in the world of popular science. If you’re starting to experience the symptoms of bruxism, or you’re worried about [...]

20 09, 2022

Improved sleep may help curb migraine attacks

2023-01-17T19:51:30+00:00September 20, 2022|Featured, Medical Conditions, Poor Sleep, Wellness|

An estimated 1 billion people globally experience migraines. These severe headaches can be debilitating. With so many people affected by serious symptoms, researchers are studying how migraines are linked to sleep. Migraines can lead to sleep problems. People with migraines may have trouble falling [...]

16 08, 2022

The ‘Mind after Midnight’: People more likely to make bad decisions late at night

2023-01-17T19:54:33+00:00August 16, 2022|Circadian Rhythms, Depression, Mental Health, Poor Sleep, Suicide|

The “Mind after Midnight” hypothesis suggests that late-night wakefulness affects the brain, leading to changes that can make you more likely to view the world negatively, engage in harmful behaviors, and make impulsive decisions. We sat down with one of the study’s authors, Andrew [...]

29 07, 2022

Sleep is good medicine

2023-01-18T16:59:12+00:00July 29, 2022|Featured, Healthy Sleep Habits, Poor Sleep, Sleep Disorders, Treatment & Therapy, Wellness|

So much that affects your overall health is happening while you sleep. It’s when your body repairs and recuperates, produces antibodies, and gets busy preventing many diseases. “Sleep is Good Medicine,” a new campaign from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), highlights the [...]

14 06, 2022

Many men are losing sleep to play video games and drink alcohol

2022-07-08T15:42:32+00:00June 14, 2022|Healthy Sleep Habits, Men, Poor Sleep|

This Men’s Health Month, it’s important to focus on an area often overlooked when it comes to overall health: sleep. Sleep is one of the key components of a healthy lifestyle, but men often pass over it in favor of other activities. In fact, [...]

14 06, 2022

Is Fido a bed hog or a cuddle buddy?

2022-06-14T16:29:51+00:00June 14, 2022|Bedroom, Healthy Sleep Habits, Poor Sleep|

Many pets become a member of the family. In fact, according to a new survey from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, almost half (46%) of respondents sleep in the same bed with a pet. And while tales of dogs taking up the whole bed [...]

14 06, 2022

Proposed sleep disorder for trauma survivors, veterans

2023-01-18T17:09:16+00:00June 14, 2022|Featured, Military, Nightmares, Poor Sleep, PTSD, Sleep Disorders, Veterans|

Military members often see or experience traumatic events in the line of duty. This makes active-duty military personnel and veterans more susceptible to experiencing nightmares and abnormal sleep behaviors. Now, researchers are proposing a unique new sleep disorder -- Trauma Associated Sleep Disorder, or [...]

10 05, 2022

Nightmares are more than just bad dreams for veterans

2023-01-18T17:10:48+00:00May 10, 2022|Military, Nightmares, Poor Sleep, PTSD, Veterans|

Veterans are particularly vulnerable to experiencing nightmares. Usually, nightmares are more common during periods of high stress and after traumatic events. Changes in sleep schedules during deployment, the stress of combat, injuries, and challenges related to post-deployment reintegration into society can all play a [...]

19 04, 2022

Opioid use, pain linked to sleep problems

2023-01-18T17:11:30+00:00April 19, 2022|Featured, Pain, Poor Sleep|

Since the 2000s, opioid addiction has been considered a major global health problem. A few years ago, the growing epidemic of opioid use was declared a public health emergency by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Opioids are typically prescribed to treat [...]

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